ASUCD Programmatic Committees

Aggie Mentorship Committee (AMC)

Chair: Brooke Isrow

Description: The Aggie Mentors Committee (AMC) helps incoming freshmen and transfer students adapt to college life. They have established students to guide them personally, answer questions, and be an immediate friend.

Meeting Time: At discretion of Chairperson

# of Adopted Senator(s): 2

Adopted Senator(s): Sahni, Youedon


Aggie Public Arts Committee (APAC)

Chair: TBA

Description: The Aggie Public Arts Committee creates, assists and promotes student-led public art on the UC Davis campus and in the City of Davis.

Meeting Time: At discretion of Chairperson

# of Adopted Senator(s): 2

Adopted Senator(s): Razaqi, Saraj


Disability Rights Advocacy Committee (DRAC)

Chair: Sarah Theubet

Description: The Disability Rights Advocacy Committee provides student recommendations to the Student Disability Center (SDC), uplifts the voice of the disabled community, and engages in outreach and de-stigmatization efforts.

Meeting Time: Saturdays at 12pm on Zoom

# of Adopted Senator(s): 2

Adopted Senator(s): Orji, Palmer


Davis Housing Discrimination Committee (DHDC)

Chair: TBA

Description: The Davis Housing Discrimination Committee focuses on outreach and advocacy for the University of California, Davis students and helps them understand their rights as renters in the City of Davis. The committee also supports students in taking measures against inequitable actions by landlords, in collaboration with the City of Davis and housing authorities.


Meeting Time: At discretion of Chairperson

# of Adopted Senator(s): 2

Adopted Senator(s): Shahab


DREAM Committee

Chair: TBA

Description: The DREAM Committee improves campus climate by building awareness of resources as well as issues regarding the AB 540 and undocumented community. The committee creates resources, organizes events, and bridges the gap between ASUCD and any issues regarding the AB 540 and undocumented community. The DREAM Committee’s primary goal is to lead on the advocacy of resources for undocumented students and their community on the UC Davis campus.

These resources serve to provide students with the needed and much desired tools necessary to lead a successful academic and professional life. In order to create these projects, the DREAM Committee works hard to identify successful partnerships, inspire community involvement, and demand awareness and involvement from ASUCD.

Meeting Time: At discretion of Chairperson

# of Adopted Senator(s): 2

Adopted Senator(s): Bocardo-Aguilar, Razaqi


Fair Trade Committee (FTC)

Chair: Itzel Gallardo

Description: The Fair Trade Committee supports UC Davis’ status as a Fair Trade University by being the permanent place for the UC Davis Fair Trade Campaign and maintaining the requirements for being a Fair Trade University. This shall include holding educational events about Fair Trade and checking in with campus food vendors on a yearly basis to ensure they are selling the proper amount of Fair Trade products. The Fair Trade Committee shall also work with other UC Fair Trade Campaigns to collaborate on system-wide events. When applicable, the Fair Trade Committee shall work with other UC Fair Trade Campaigns, UCOP staff, Fair Trade Campaigns staff, etc. on UC-wide Fair Trade policies to expand procurement and distribution of Fair Trade certified products.


Meeting Time: Tuesdays 3-4pm on Zoom.  Meeting ID: 961 2564 9576, and Passcode: 952

*Note: Will resume in-person meetings in Moss Room after 1/31/22


# of Adopted Senator(s): 2

Adopted Senator(s): Krauss, Saraj


Library Committee

Chair: Dhanya Indraganti

Description: The ASUCD Library Committee establishes a strong relationship with Shields Library by providing more communication between the library and ASUCD.

Meeting Time: At discretion of Chairperson

# of Senators: 2

Senators: Krauss, Orji


Mental Health Initiative (MHI)

Chair: Aparna Manoj, Samantha Veres

Description: The UC Davis Mental Health Initiative Committee organizes the annual UC Davis Mental Health Conference in February and UC Davis Mental Health Awareness month in May to educate and empower students through mental health discourse.

Meeting Time: At discretion of Chairperson

# of Adopted Senator(s): 2

Adopted Senator(s): Sahni, Shahab


Research and Data Committee

Chair: Stephen Fujimoto

Description: The ASUCD Research and Data Committee shall serve as an advisory body to the ASUCD Executive Office, the ASUCD Senate and its committees, the ASUCD Commissions, and all ASUCD Units by assisting in providing them with quantitative and qualitative data on topics of interest with the objective that it facilitates these bodies to make well-informed decisions regarding issues affecting the UC Davis community


Meeting Time: Mondays 5-6pm on Zoom

# of Adopted Senator(s): 2

Adopted Senator(s): Mishra, Bocardo-Aguilar


Sexual Assault Awareness Advocacy Committee (SAAAC)

Chair: Isaac Ocampo

Description: The SAAAC brings students together to provide intersectional, trauma informed advocacy to improve campus climate, and to facilitate the expansion of access to educational resources about sexual violence, sexual harassment, and sexual assault. The committee also ensures that students are made aware of the reporting process both through the university and law enforcement, victim advocacy resources, confidential support services, information about sexual violence in UC policies as well as students’ rights under Title IX.

Meeting Time: Wendesdays at 7pm on Zoom

# of Adopted Senator(s): 2

Adopted Senator(s): Hair, Chauhan


Student Health and Wellness Committee (SHAWC)

Chair: Hibah Shafi

Description: The Student Health and Wellness Committee plans health and wellness related events on a quarterly basis to support the health and wellness goals of the student population and engages in outreach and collaboration with health-focused organizations on campus.

Meeting Time: Mondays at 7pm on Zoom

# of Adopted Senator(s): 2

Adopted Senator(s): Bocardo-Aguilar, Mishra


Student Sustainability Career Fair Committee (SSCFC)

Chair: Alana Webre

Description: The purpose of the SSCF shall be to run a sustainability career fair, thus introducing more sustainability based organizations to UC Davis to be held once a quarter in the academic year. This committee defines sustainability as the balance of three pillars that are economics, equity, and environmental protection. SSCF shall primarily focus on outreach and education by providing a service to students who are searching for environmentally based careers and internships. This will be a great learning experience for all involved as it will introduce students to new companies and allow them to explore careers beyond the traditional environmental professions.

Meeting Time:Wednesdays 3-4pm on Zoom

# of Adopted Senator(s): 2

Adopted Senator(s): Palmer, Orji


STEM Committee

Chair: Yoanna Soliman (she/her/hers) & Tanya Chettri (she/her/hers)

Description: The purpose of the STEM Committee shall be to incorporate STEM expertise into the operations of the Association, promote access and equity within STEM, and coordinate various outreach and student participation efforts.


Meeting Time: Tuesdays from 1-2pm on Zoom

# of Adopted Senator(s): 2

Adopted Senator(s): Chauhan, Mishra


Student Police Relations Committee (SPRC)

Chair: TBA

Description: The Student-Police Relations Committee shall strengthen the relationship between the greater student population and local law enforcement agencies including, but not limited to, the Davis Police Department (DPD), and the UC Davis Police Department (UCDPD). The committee shall initiate dialogue between the students and the UCDPD and DPD, address student concerns about police procedures, educate the student population on rights, laws, and safety practices, and organize ad hoc programs and projects.

Meeting Time: At discretion of Chairperson

# of Adopted Senator(s): 2

Adopted Senator(s): TBA


Transfer, Reentry and Veterans Committee (TRVC)

Chair: TBA

Description: The Transfer, Reentry, and Veterans Committee provides students with academic and social support and collaborates with the Transfer and Reentry Center, the Veteran Success Center, and the Student Recruitment and Retention Center (SRRC) to engage in outreach and advocacy to the non-traditional student population on campus. Additionally, TRVC aims to provide resources through the planning and execution of unique projects, programs, and services to ensure the success of transitioning students.

Meeting Time: At discretion of Chairperson

# of Adopted Senator(s): 2

Adopted Senator(s): TBA


Undergraduate Student Parent Committee (USPC)

Chair: TBA

Description: The Undergraduate Student Parent Committee brings awareness to the issues pertaining to the undergraduate student parent population and bridges the gap between the respective student body and ASUCD

Meeting Time: At discretion of Chairperson

# of Adopted Senator(s): 2

Adopted Senator(s): TBA