ASUCD Internal Committees

Committee on Committees (CoC)

Chair: TBA

Description: The CoC conducts the advertising, application, and appointment process of undergraduates to Administrative Advisory Committees (AAC) and Academic Senate Committees (ASCs). Meetings are called, as needed, by the committee chairperson, at least once a quarter, with duties further enumerated in the ASUCD Bylaws chapter on Committees on Committees.

Meeting Time: At the discretion of Chair

# of Adopted Senator(s): 2

Adopted Senator(s): Faruk, Smith


Elections Committee

Chair: Karolina Rodriguez

Description: The ASUCD Elections Committee conducts all ASUCD General Elections set forth in the ASUCD Constitution and all Special Elections as authorized under the ASUCD Bylaws chapter on Elections Code. The ASUCD Elections Committee carries out all ASUCD Elections in a fair and impartial manner as outlined in the ASUCD Bylaws chapter on elections code of the ASUCD Bylaws. The ASUCD Elections Committee sets all deadlines regarding the submission of election material if the deadline is not provided in the ASUCD Bylaws.

Meeting Time: At the discretion of Chair

# of Senators: 0

Election Committee Staff:

Ioanna Ploumi

Peter Smith (Vice Chair)


Executive Advisory Council

Chair: Greg Ortiz, Alexis Lopez-Perez

Description: The ASUCD Executive Advisory Council advises the ASUCD Executive Office, ASUCD Business Manager, and ASUCD Associate Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs.

Meeting Time: At the discretion of Chair

# of Adopted Senator(s): 2

Adopted Senator(s): Mifsud


Unit Relocation and Space Allocation Committee (URSAC)

Chair: ASUCD Controller

Description: A forum to discuss physical unit and space reallocations.

Meeting Time: At the discretion of Chair

# of Adopted Senator(s): 2

Adopted Senator(s): Gandhoke, Mifsud