External Committees

Council on Student Affaris and Fees (COSAF)

Chair: Sheila Bird

Description: The Council on Student Affairs and Fees advises on matters affecting the use of facilities and programs: capital projects, implementation of programs and services of the Memorial Union, Silo, and Recreation Services. Review expenditures are allocated and spent consistent with the 1994 SSMF Referendum. COSAF has oversight of CEI and FACE Fee Referendums. The primary agency for channeling student input into decisions regarding the level and use of Student Services Fees on the Davis campus.


Meeting Time: TBA

# of Adopted Senator(s): 1

Adopted Senator(s): Ganhoke


Media Board

Chair: Mayra Llamas

Description: The ASUCD Media Board oversees the media interests on the UC Davis campus.


Meeting Time: TBA

# of Adopted Senator(s): 1

Adopted Senator(s): Gandhoke


Recruitment and Retention Organizing Committee (RROC)

Chair: Qunyh Tran

Description: The RROC aims to promote academic preparation, leadership training and cultural activities for non-college tracked youth and support retention efforts of underrepresented students, attend weekly meetings, review grant proposals.

Contactquttran@ucdavis.edu, rroc@asucd.ucdavis.edu

Meeting Time: TBA

# of Adopted Senator(s): 1

Adopted Senator(s): Santiago Vergara


The Aggie Housing Advocacy Committee

Chair: —

Description: The mission of the Aggie Housing Advocacy Committee is to
make Davis an affordable city to have a career and fulfilling life
through access to high-quality housing and robust economic
opportunities. The Committee believes in an abundance agenda. A Davis
that is inclusive, thriving, and environmentally sustainable, is one
that has an abundance of housing, quality jobs, and economic growth
for everyone.

Contact: —

Meeting Time: —

# of Adopted Senator(s): —

Adopted Senator(s): —